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Taste of Honey Shawl


Crochet Pattern by It's Britt's Knits

A division of Brittique



-The Taste of Honey shawl is a free crochet pattern for a richly textured triangle scarf that's light and warm, with a decorative picot edging.


-I would LOVE to see your finished work and get copies of photos and authorization to use them on my website, ravelry and social media. E-mail me at, or use hashtag #TasteofHoneyShawl and tag me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @BuyBrittique


- You may not distribute this pattern or any parts of it. You may sell the finished shawl, but must link back to


-An ad-free, photo condensed version of this pattern is available here . This is a secured site with an SSL certificate that encrypts information you enter. I understand some people are more comfortable using sites they're familiar with, so it's also on Etsy here, The price is lower on my site due to Etsy's additional credit card, listing and processing fees.



-Pattern written in U.S. terms.
-Turn at the end of each row.
-Stitches going in the center space are written (like this). The middle stitches are typically not worked in unless the stitch goes around the post.
-The first stitch(es) of each row will always go into the first stitch. The beginning chains count as stitches.

-Stitch counts are from the chains to the center stitches, not including the center chain. Stitch counts are written at the end of each row. If there were 15 stitches it would look like this. (15st)

-Affiliate links used. More info here.

Taste of Honey Shawl, free crochet pattern
Taste of Honey Shawl (4).JPG


Lion Brand Mandala Yarn in wood nymph. They have 590 yards and I used about 1 1/2 skeins. This is a weight 3 yarn.

Size H crochet hook (Use size I if using a weight 4 yarn)

Large eye needle

Embroidery scissors

Stitches Used:
st- stitch
dc- double crochet
hdc- half double crochet
fphdc- front post half double crochet
fpdc- front post double crochet
scblo- single crochet back loop only
fpsc- front post single crochet
dcblo- double crochet back loop only

This pattern was tested by many helpful and talented crocheters. Take a look at their amazing work and be inspired. Hover over a photo for more info on the artist and yarn used. I'd love to add your work to this gallery! Just send me an e-mail here.

Foundation: ch4, 3 dc in 4th ch from hook, ch1, 4dc in same st


1. ch2, 2 hdc in same st, 3hdc, (hdc, ch1, hdc) 3 hdc, 3hdc in last st.


2. ch2, 2hdc in the same st. 5 hdc (2hdc, ch1, 2hdc), 5 hdc, 3hdc in last st.


3. ch2, 2hdc in same, 9 fphdc, (hdc, ch1, hdc), 9 fphdc, 3hdc in last st.


4. ch3, 2dc in same st, 11 dc (3hdc, ch1, 3hdc), 11 dc, 3dc


5. ch3, 2dc, 16 fpdc (3dc, ch1, 3dc) 16 fpdc, 3dc


6. ch1, 2scblo in the same st, 21 scblo (sc, ch1, sc) 21 scblo, 2scblo and 1sc in last st.


7. ch2, 2hdc in same, (ch1, sk1, hdc)11x, ch1, sk1, (2hdc, ch1, 2hdc), (ch1, sk1, hdc)11x, ch1, sk1, 3hdc


8. ch3, 2dc in same, 2dc in next, 2dc in each ch1 sp (12x), dc, (3dc, ch1, 3dc), dc, 2dc in each ch1 sp (12x), 2dc, 3dc


9. ch1, sc in same, 32 fpsc, (sc, ch1, sc) 32 fpsc, 2sc


10. ch3, 2dc in same, (sk2, 3dc)11x, sk1, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) sk1, (3dc, sk2)11x, 3dc


11. ch1, 2sc in same, 37 sc, (3sc, ch1, 3sc), 37 sc, 3sc


12. ch3, dcblo in same, 42 dcblo, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) 42 dcblo, dcblo, dc in same


13. ch1, sc in same, 45 fpsc (2sc, ch1, 2sc) 45 fpsc, 2sc


14. ch2, 2hdc in same, (sk2, 3hdc)15x, sk2, (3hdc, ch1, 3hdc), sk2, (3hdc, sk2)15x, 3hdc


15. ch3, 2dc in same, 3dc in every 3rd st (the gap where you skipped 2 in the previous round)16x, sk2, (3dc, ch1, 3dc), 3dc in every 3rd st(16x), sk2, 3dc in last


16. ch3, 2dc in same, 53 dc (2dc, ch1, 2dc), 53 dc, 3dc


17. ch3, 2dc in same, 57 fpdc, (2dc, ch1, 2dc), 57 fpdc, 3dc


18. ch2, hdc in same, (ch1, sk1, hdc)30x, ch1, sk1, (2hdc, ch1, 2hdc), (ch1, sk1, hdc)30x, ch1, sk1, 2hdc


19. ch3, dc in same, 2dc in each ch sp (31x), sk2, (2dc, ch1, 2dc), sk2 (2dc in each sp)31x, 2dc


20. ch3, 3dc in same (sk2, 4dc)21x, sk1, (4dc, ch1, 4dc) sk1, (4dc, sk2)21x, 4dc


21. ch1, sc in same, sk1, 2sc, (ch2, sk2, 2 sc- this puts 2 sc in the middle 2 of each 4)22x, 2sc, (sc, ch1, sc) 2sc, 2 sc (ch2, sk2, 2 sc)21x, ch2, sk2, 2sc, sk1, 2sc

taste row 24.jpg
taste of honey close up

22. ch3, dc in same and in each of the next 3. 2dc in ch sp. (dc in sc, dc in sc, dc in ch sp)21x. dc in next 4 (dc, ch1, dc) dc in next 4, (dc in ch2 sp, 2 dc)22x, 2 dc (4 total) 2dc in last

23. ch4, 74fptr (tr, ch1, tr) 74fptr, 1tr

24. ch1, sc, dc in the loops of row 22, skip a stich in row 23, and do 1sc in row 23. Skip a stitch in row 22 and do another dc. Continue working every other stitch back and forth between the rows in a zig-zag fashion, until you have 37 sets of dc and sc. Add 1 more sc. (sc, ch1, sc), (dc, sc)37x, +1sc in last st.

25. ch3, 2dc in same, 76 dc (2dc, ch1, 2dc) 76 dc, 3dc in last

26. ch2, hdc in same, 79 hdc  (hdc, ch1, hdc), 79 hdc, 2hdc in last

27. ch3, dc in same, (ch1, sk1, dc)40x, ch1, (3dc, ch1, 3dc), ch1, dc, (ch1, sk1, dc)39x, ch1, sk1, 2dc in last

28. ch1, sc in same, sc, hdc in sk st of row 26 (sc in row 27, hdc in row 26)40x, 3 sc, (sc, ch1, sc) 2 sc, (sc, hdc)41x,
sc, 2sc

29. ch3, 86fpdc, (1 total fpdc around both of the center sc's of previous row) 86fpdc, dc in last

30. ch3, 2dc in same (sk2, 3dc)28x, sk2, (dc, ch1, dc) (sk2, 3dc)29x

31. ch1, sc in same 87 sc, (2sc, ch, 2sc) 87 sc, 2sc

32. ch3, dc in same, 90 fpdc (dc, ch1, dc) 90 fpdc, 2dc

33. ch2, hdc in same (ch1, sk1, hdc)46x, (hdc, ch1, hdc, ch1, hdc, ch1, hdc)in center ch, hdc (ch1, sk1, hdc)46x +1
additional hdc in the last stitch, making 2hdc total.

34. ch2, hdc in same, (2hdc in each ch sp of row 33)48x (hdc, ch1, hdc) (2hdc in each ch sp)48x, 2hdc

35. ch2, hdc in same, fphdc in each stitch, including the center stitches and last tstitch (98 total) (hdc, ch1, hdc)
98 fphdc, 2hdc

36. ch3, dc in same, 99 dc, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) 99 dc, 2dc

37. ch2, 2hdc in same (sk2, 3hdc)33x, sk2, (3hdc, ch1, 3hdc) (sk2, 3hdc)34x, 2hdc in last

38. ch2, 2hdc in same, 3hdc in sp between 3hdcs 34x, skip dcs, (3hdc, ch1, 3hdc) skip dcs, (3hdc)34x, 3hdc in last

39. ch3, dc in same, 106 dc, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) 106 dc, 2dc

40. ch1, sc in same 109 fpsc, (2sc, ch1, 2sc) 109 fpsc, 2sc

41. ch3, dc in same, 111 dc (dc, ch1, dc) 111 dc, 2dc

42. ch2, hdc in same (ch1, sk1, hdc)56x, ch1, (hdc, ch1, hdc) ch1, hdc, (ch1, sk1, hdc)55x, ch1, 2hdc

43. ch3, dc in same (fpdc, dc in sp)57x (2dc, ch1, 2dc) (dc in sp, fpdc)57x 2dc

44. ch2, hdc in same, 117 hdc, (hdc, ch1, hdc), 117 fphdc, 2hdc

45. ch3, 2dc in same (sk1, 2dc)58x, sk2 (2dc, ch1, 2dc), sk1, (sk1, 2dc)58x, sk1, 3dc

46. ch2, hdc in same, 120 hdc, (2hdc, ch1, 2hdc) 120 hdc, 2hdc

47. ch1, sc in same, 122 fpsc, (2sc, ch1, 2sc), 122 fpsc, 2sc

48. ch3, 2dc in same, (sk2, dc3)40x, sk2, 2dc,sk1, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) sk1, 2dc, (sk2, dc3)40x, sk2, 3dc

49. ch2, hdc in same, 125 fphdc, fphdc in each (2hdc, ch1, 2hdc), 125 fphdc, (fphdc and 2hdc in last)

50. ch2, turn shawl clockwise to face like an ice cream cone. hdc 80 to center, 80 to end

51. Turn so shawl faces like a pyramid. ch3, 2dc in same, 128 dc, (3dc, ch1, 3dc), 128 dc, 3dc in last.


52. Face like an ice cream cone again- ch3, 2dc in same space, 2 dc down the post you just made and 2 in the post you made from the previous row. dc in each hdc made in row 50. 3dc in last stitch. You should have 87.

52. Turn shawl like a pyramid again. ch1, 2sc in the post, then 2 sc. ch3, sl st into the bottom of the chain post you just created. Picot edging- 4sc, ch3, sl st into base of ch. Continue with this until you've made your way completely around. The last few rows are repetitive stitches, so if your stitch counts are off at all, just be mindful that the picots end up symmetrical. There should be 1 picot in the center stitch, and 1 in each of the corners.

- I would LOVE to see your finished work and get copies of photos and authorization to use them on my website, ravelry and social media. E-mail me at, or use hashtag #TasteofHoneyShawl and tag me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @BuyBrittique


- You may not distribute this pattern or any parts of it. You may sell the finished shawl, but must link back to

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