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8 Things All Craft Rooms Need

Brittany Rooney

Updated: Nov 30, 2019

Want to know how to organize your craft room? If you're a crafter you need a craft room (or at least an area for craft storage). Whether it's a business or hobby, you need to know how to organize your crafts and craft supplies in a way that works for you. The goal with craft organization is to have things accessible while avoiding clutter. If you want to learn how to organize craft supplies, then get comfortable; I'm going to tell you the 8 things I have found to be vital for craft room organization.

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1. Large Storage

The best way to organize your craft room is to start big. Pick your large, main craft storage idea. I'm a fan of storage cubes, and have recently switched to wire racks. I do tons of different crafts and my supplies get used up so I need a method that's versatile, customizable and can change. I use zip ties to connect pieces together for extra strength and additional layers. If you're doing more than a couple shelves high or kids will be around, I highly recommend furniture anchors. They go in fairly easily since the back of the shelves have the large gaps. Mine literally go floor to ceiling. It just makes sense to take advantage of as much vertical space as possible. (Click the photos for more info)

2. Organized Tools and Supplies

Once your large craft room organization has been done, you'll need to organize craft supplies and tools in a way that works for you. Depending which craft(s) you do and what type of craft supplies you have, this may vary. You might do your craft organization based on color, size, how far into the project you are, or what the supplies and tools are used for. Yarn takes up the bulk of my craft room. I used to organize it by color, but as my stash grew and I got into fiber arts more, I needed to switch to the style of yarn. There's no right or wrong. You know what supplies you use the most and how accessible they need to be. Again, I love being able to switch mine up, so that's why I'm super obsessed with clear plastic storage bins.

The shoebox size bins (6 quart) fit PERFECTLY in those wire racks if you slide them in horizontally, 3 tall, 2 deep. That's 6 bins per shelf. Even with just 4 shelves, that's 24 storage bins! With my yarn, this really helps a lot. I can get super organized and cram as much as possible into each shelf. I tried without the bins, but when I shoved everything it, it was a bit of a pain having to pull everything out to get 1 item. It also prevents small items from falling through the wire grates.

The 16 quart bins are great, too. They fit 2 to a shelf with a sliver of room on the side. This is great for yarn and any larger supplies or tools. I use the couple of inches on the side for instruction books and paper. As I de-stash (or inevitably hoard more) I like having both sizes on hand so I can switch back and forth, depending on my needs.

3. Intricate Storage

For me, the most fun part of craft organization is getting to meticulously go through itty bitty tiny craft supplies and organize them. I know a lot of people feel the exact opposite, but I could do it all day everyday. I use little plastic baggies for my shipping, and they've really come in handy for craft room organization, as well. Small paper crafts, appliques, hair pins, beads and brads all fit in them great. I typically stick with 2x3 and 3x4. They can then go into drawers, larger bags, or plastic bins. In case you couldn't tell yet, I love clear storage. You'd think it would look cluttered being able to see everything, but it really doesn't.

Craft tool boxes are pretty awesome. They give you an adjustable way to store tiny objects, and typically have a larger section for tools. I like using mine for jewelry making, and love the fact that I can easily bring it into another room.

Now here's my absolute favorite craft organizer. These trays hold super itty bittys. My main use is beads and jewelry making supplies. The tops click shut and are super secure. Perfect for seed beads!! They come in a variety of sizes. You can get a whole tray of just tiny ones, or a variety pack. They come with little stickers to put on top so you can write any info you want. It's a great way to keep track of product cost if you sell your crafts. They're also good for brads and embellishments. I have seven of these and always find new uses for them.

4. Labels

Now that your supplies are organized in an obsessive compulsive manner, you need to be able to remember where everything is. Even with clear storage bins and drawers, it helps to have labels. Label everything. If you know where something goes, you'll be much more likely to put it in that spot.

ADD tip: That also means you'll know where to find it so you won't be tempted to leave it out just because you're in the middle of it. I have 6 bins designated specifically for projects I started but haven't finished, organized by project type and how far into I am.

Address labels are a good size for the plastic bins and for drawers. Many come with printing templates if you want them typed. Color coordinated labels are fun and give you an idea of what's in a bin at a quick glance.

5. Work Space

Every crafter needs a designated work space. It's so much easier when you don't have to set up/tear down every time you work on a project. I love L-shaped desks. I have my computer and bills on one side, and can leave a project I'm working on on the other side. I have a tall hutch on mine- more vertical storage! Before I had my computer in my craft room I had 2 areas to leave projects on. If your craft area is more of a corner, or space where your kids might grab things, a secretary desk or other kind with closed storage is a great solution. Bonus: Hubby can't upset with the mess if he can't see it. The key is to get as much work space and storage as possible, while taking up the least amount of room possible. Stowaway tables offer the best of both worlds.

6. A catch All

If you're reading this article, you're obviously looking for ways to organize crafts, so I'm sure you won't be offended when I say- crafters are messy. Psychologically there's some correlation between hoarding and crafting. We want to use every last drop. Every speck of glitter. Every scrap of paper. Part of the crafting thrill is making something out of nothing. The fact that you can take literal garbage and turn it into beautiful art... that's just amazing. So what do you do with those itty bitty paper scraps? The bits of yarn? The broken piece of jewelry? Every craft room needs a catch all. You might know this as a "junk drawer". It doesn't have to

7. Things You Need

Make sure all the things you need are easily accessible when you're in your craft room. This could be supplies, tools, a phone


8. Things You Want

This is your fun playground. Your relaxing sanctuary. You have the things you need- now get the things you want. This should be your area filled with your things. Things that motivate you, things that are fun, and things that get you excited for your work. It's amazing what a difference some cure paperclips or a fun pen make.


I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much I loved writing it. Can you think of any other must-haves for craft rooms? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Remember- sharing is caring. Share this post on social media and pin it so your friends can


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